New Hope Baptist Church Pell City, Alabama is a multi-generational congregation that is devoted to the Word, centered on Jesus, committed to one another, and engaged in mission action. Located twenty miles east of Birmingham Alabama, New Hope has a rich history of gospel sharing and serving the people of St. Clair County and beyond for over two hundred years.
New Hope has undergone an extensive transitional process during the last two years and is experiencing both a heart and missional renewal as a church family. We exist to Worship Christ, Serve Others, Share the Gospel, and Disciple Believers.
In addition to meeting the biblical qualifications for a Pastor/Overseer found in Ephesians 4:11-13, I Timothy 3:1-7, Titus 1:5-9, and I Peter 5:1-3, the ideal candidate will demonstrate proficiencies in preaching, teaching, servant leadership, and disciple making. Our future pastor must exhibit a heart to shepherd God’s church as well as actively sharing the gospel. Above all else, our future pastor must be a man of prayer, walking with God and living in the Spirit
The church is a Pastor led, Team Ministry driven, fellowship. The Lead Pastor inspires the New Hope Family to live out the gospel by actively embracing and fulfilling our mission as stated above.
Interested? Submit your cover letter and resume to our Pastor Search Team at . You can learn more about New Hope Baptist Church at . Lead Pastor Ministry Description is available upon request.